
New book out

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Finally the book “Bangkok – 10 vandringar och utflykter” was released. It is all in Swedish, but hopefully there will be an English version as well. The book is about 10 walks and day trips in Bangkok.  It is an excellent book to complement any regular tourist book.

Seasoned journalist and author Bertil Lintner has been living in Thailand since 1979 and has published many book from the Asia region.

He wrote the interesting texts for this book. I took the pictures. There are about 150 of them in the book. Here are a few of them.

You can buy the book at:

The book can also be picked up at any well stocked book retailer. Bertil and I will come out with a book on Hong Kong soon as well. We are looking for other projects together also. More to come.

The picture of the “Lady in pink” was entered to street photo competition. I was one of eight winners with that pic. I won a weekend at Peninsula Hotel in Bangkok. More on that later.

bangkok bangkok bangkok bangkok bangkok bangkok bangkok

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