New projects

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I have a couple of new projects in the pipeline now. Really excited about that actually. Feels good, it came to me during a sleepless night last week when I was thinking about something else. Anyway more on that soon.

Tomorrow I will work on another project that is growing, and will also take a sidestep through a small multimedia project hopefully in early March. Looking forward to that as well.

Today it is Valentine as we all know. Big business is many parts of the world of course. Nuff’ said on that.

Below are couple of pics from Haiti. I work on yet another project including pics from Haiti.

Of Haiti’s 9 million inhabitants about half is under 20 years of age. The life expectancy is 53 years for men and 56 for women. Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas. The living conditions, with unemployment around 70% and a totally inadequate healthcare system makes death physically present and a natural part of everyday life. There are to many poor and suffering kids over there. I hope that I get the opportunity sometimes in the future to go there again.


Haiti child

haiti child

Haiti child

haiti child



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