haiti cholera

UN admits Haiti cholera outbreak

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The United Nations has finally acknowledged it played a role in an outbreak of cholera in Haiti in 2010 that has since killed about 10,000 people in the country.

Studies have shown that Nepalese UN troops were the source of the disease – but the UN repeatedly denied responsibility until now. The cholera outbreak has been blamed on leaking sewage pipes at a UN base.

But the UN still says it is protected by diplomatic immunity from claims for compensation from victims’ families.

However, now the UN is developing a package that would provide ”material assistance” to cholera victims in Haiti, indicating for the first time that some people might get financial help from the U.N.

No cases of the bacterial infection, which causes diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps, had been recorded in Haiti for a century until the outbreak in late 2010.

I went to the UN base located by the river where everything started in 2010. I also went to a hospital to meet the suffering victims.

Terrible situation, and poor handling by UN.

haiti cholera haiti cholera haiti cholera haiti cholera haiti cholera

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