Raped Swedish girl in the court

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Monday afternoon I was working on my pictures from Colombia when I got a phone call from Sweden’s biggest tabloid newspaper Aftonbladet. They asked me to go together with journalist Jan Källman to cover the trial where a young Swedish girl accused a Thai guy for raping her about a year ago. So we went down to cover the trial in Koh Samui.

It is a sad and terrible story in many ways. The accused guy’s lawyer asked some really weird and personal questions as well.

I also almost got in trouble for putting up the video camera OUTSIDE the courthouse for an interview with a lawyer. And the threaten to confiscate my camera. I made a mistake and should have asked permission first of course. Everything got sorted out with the excellent translator. Thanks for the help!

Here is the story in Aftonbladet.

After a long and in many ways scary day we had dinner at El Dorado at Lamai Beach. Owner of El Dorado is Swedish Patrik. He delivers tasty food with great energy from himself and his attentive staff. Patrik is very helpful in many ways and I really recommend his place for dinner and beers.

el dorado koh samui

Patrik and his chef Nuy.

el dorado Koh Samui

My fresh Greek salad.

meatballs el dorado koh samui

And Swedish meatballs for the writer.

Today it was back to reality early in the morning with database work. It is actually a lot more fun than it sounds. Editing, tagging, and uploading pictures takes time, but it is great to go through all the pictures and structure the work.

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