cholera haiti

Mixed from Haiti

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The political problems continues in Haiti. A few days ago there were massive demonstrations against the government. Protesters are angry over the cost of living, unemployment and alleged corruption. They want to President Martelly to live his post. The police fired tear gas to split the demonstrators. Details here.

I have tried to find detailed info on the cholera case where Haitians are suing UN for their role in the cholera outbreak in Haiti in October 2010. I guess more documents and facts are collected. I hope the plaintiffs will win. I will get back on the subject when I get more info. Some pics I took at the outbreak:

cholera haiti

cholera haiti

cholera haiti

Thousands of Haitians living in Dominican Republic are threatened to lose their citizenship.  Sounds strange to me. Detailed info here.

I continue to work on my Haiti project. I hope to finish it in the fall. More info in separate posts soon.

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