
Another year past by. New challenges ahead!

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2013 was a mixed year in many ways. But all in all it was OK, business wise better than I hoped for under the circumstances. Got a number of new regular customers. I hope to capitalize on that moving in to 2014. Especially some of the new corporate clients looks interesting I have to say.

I have been very busy over the holiday season working on a couple of projects. Some will end soon, other have just started. More on those later.

Plans are to be back in Asia in the near future, with a number of assignments and also some new ideas. I also hope to make it to southern parts of Africa for a couple of ideas I have. We will see if that comes through. I hope to do another safari if I end up down there. Last time I did a safari was back in Kenya in 2005.



The book idea I have been working on, is moving forward, and I have the frame work ready. I (just) need to commit some resources for it so I can publish with in first quarter 2014 as planned. Draft for proof reading should be ready en of January. The bottle neck is the selection of pictures for the different parts of the book.


Picture of the day:

A Buddhist monk is shopping at the amulet market in Bangkok, Thailand.




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